Senin, 22 November 2010

The Milo – Let Me Begin

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Track List :
the milo - intro
the milo - lazy
the milo - perfect world
the milo - cool
the milo - broke
the milo - dunia semu
the milo - sianida (feat alexandra)
the milo - malaikat
the milo - romantic purple
the milo - lolita
the milo - yins evolve
the milo - dunia semu (rnrm mix)
the milo - finaly home

Lyrics :
The Milo - Dunia Semu

Dunia semu, terjebak aku didalamnya
Kacau balau dalam benak
Hari-hari membosankan
Memandang keliling penuh tulisan
Dunia semu, terjebak aku didalamnya
Kacau balau dalam benak
Orang-orang penuh amarah dan bingung
Melihatku, terlihat sepi diri
The Milo - Romantic Puple

Its The Darkness in You That Makes Me So Pure
The Image Of You Has Been Burn Into My Eyes
I See You Before Me
Before Everything I See
Inverted Upside Down
If I Tell The Truth
Would You Understand Me ?
I Wont Say Goodbye
Because I Never There
In The Room You Sleep on Its The Light Of Romantic
The Image Of You Has Been Burn Into My Eyes
I See You Before Me
Before Everything I See
Inverted Upside Down
If I Tell The Truth
Would You Understand Me ?
I Wont Say Goodbye
Because I Never There
I Love You My Romantic Purple
The Milo - Lolita

Lolita that's her name
She came from nowhere
but I think she came from heaven
Far away, so far away
She so pretty like the angel
and I feel I love her
She's beautiful, so beautiful
I only meet her in my dream
She's always in my mind
I love you, Lolita
The Milo - Sianida

Mayangku, tergerai, jernih melambai
Kerling yang kau ingin, terawat gemulai
Hasratku menggema,
kala pujamu lekat didada
Kau masih terngiang waktu berkata,
Terlanjur lebur lepas alasan
Jerat malaikat malam
Mata pualam, hangat temaram,
pelukan jari, pegangan hati
Kau dekap permata,
makna teragung, lindungi harga
Penawan rasa, pemikat hati,
Ku tak'kan janji menahan diri,
terpuja rayuan sianida
The Milo - Malaikat

Dan malaikat pun enggan menolehku
Dan malaikat pun pergi dariku
Kekosongan jiwaku, meratap
Dipermainkan malaikat
The Milo - Perfect World

But now I realize
it doesn`t need a different view
I`m so confuse about the way I feel
I`m so curious, I need to know
I don`t know what I`m gonna do
I don`t even know who I am
Makes me wanna scream and shout
Is there anything to seals my problem ?
I`ve learn my lesson,
this little world whirling in space
There`s just one sun that burns our day
The same moon and stars is like our way
The Milo - Langit Seharusnya Biru

Pernahkah engkau
Di saat kau gundah
Setiap detik terasa berarti
Ku merasa langit kelabu

Pernahkah engkau
Di saat kau gundah
Setiap detik terasa berarti
Ku merasa langit kelabu
Ku melihat langit kelabu

Langit...seharusnya...seharusnya biru
Langit...seharusnya...seharusnya biru
Langit...seharusnya...seharusnya biru
Langit...seharusnya...seharusnya biru

Enjoy The Song… Go go Musik Indonesia!! \^o^/

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